Difference in these 2 front ends


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with the JDM fronts, do the lights swap out between the 96-97 and the 98+?

WAR 178

Premium User
yeah its all going to be the same either way. its just that the one HID version is the OEM hid setup from honda and its an expensive setup. Both of these fronts have the black housing...and will fit all the 94-01 DC gen3 teggys as long as they come with the rad./ bumper supports, and fenders, hood, etc( need to change them with the buggy eyed teg)


Registered Abuser
yeah its all going to be the same either way. its just that the one HID version is the OEM hid setup from honda and its an expensive setup. Both of these fronts have the black housing...and will fit all the 94-01 DC gen3 teggys as long as they come with the rad./ bumper supports, and fenders, hood, etc( need to change them with the buggy eyed teg)
couldn't you just get the old setup and buy the headlights then?


couldn't you just get the old setup and buy the headlights then?
unless im misinformed,the HID ones have the ballasts attached to the headlights already and such. You can easily just buy the halogen ones and get an HID kit. They both have that projector-style reflector.


Registered Abuser
unless im misinformed,the HID ones have the ballasts attached to the headlights already and such. You can easily just buy the halogen ones and get an HID kit. They both have that projector-style reflector.
ahh, if the lighting is as good as the built in ballasts i would def go the hid kit route. jdm front is pricy enough.


The headlights are close to a grand alone. Might as well buy the ones with HID if you're gonna want HID eventually..


yeah but im pretty sure everything from password is new, unless stated otherwise. i would like to see some numbers though on how many pairs of those they sell lol.


nothing from nowhere
unless im misinformed,the HID ones have the ballasts attached to the headlights already and such. You can easily just buy the halogen ones and get an HID kit. They both have that projector-style reflector.


New Member
ahh, if the lighting is as good as the built in ballasts i would def go the hid kit route. jdm front is pricy enough.
Here is a direct comparison, both are JDM fronts and both are running the stock adjustment which would be pointing into on coming traffic if in the US.

Biggest difference is the curvature of the non HID lens. It doesn't focus the light as precisely as the OEM HID projector. It was designed for a halogen bulb after all. It's still a projector so it's not gonna be sh*t like a Civic reflector housing but note the areas which are brighter than others. Also how the right side has much less light than the left. You could correct some of these problems with a good adjustment but it'll never have the night and day difference lighting OEMs produce. It's more expensive for a reason.

Yes the ballast is attached to the housing on 98 specs as previously mentioned.

96spec non HID projector with a mid price range HID kit:

98spec OEM HID projector:

Excuse the crappy phone photos but here's the difference between Bosch HID projectors vs weak sauce projectors that come in most 90s cars designed for halogen only. Notice the bigger lens + curvature and overall size of the housing.

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