new here with a DA9


New Member
im getttn it from a guy that works at pretty confident in him. i was thinkin about getting my swap done there since its better worth my money to have them do it then try doing it at my shop on my back. but instead im going to save that money and get a set of 16 inch rota grids and nitto tires


New Member
just made a order with password jdm for a wiper plug, hardened shift bushings, and a innovative a/t to 5 speed mount!


New Member
so how bout this shit...i wash my car and clean under the hood.

i figured id let it all dry before starting it so i wait about 25 min and go to crank it up, its running fine and then i go to put it in gear and it just sputters like on a 2 step and then backfired and died.
i try cranking it back up again and it just spins over and over.
so i check timing jumped i put it back in time which sucks in the dark btw
check plugs and the cylinder closest to the guessing 4? was oily, so i cleaned all the plugs and put them back in and fired it up and it sounds ok except that you have to hold your foot on the gas to keep it running and no matter how much gas you give it, it just has a really low guessing its a fuel related problelm??

please help!!!!
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New Member
well its clean but now wont run lol but heres some clean pics of it....



New Member
Well its back alive. I recheked my timing and I had both cams advanced 2 teeth. I guess trying to do a timing belt at midnight is bad idea

I apreciate all advice givin

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Shake those Titties!
I already have cruise control but I'm looking for a specific part for cruise. Im looking for the part behind the steering wheel that you plug the horn and cruise into from the steering wheel.
I actuallu think i might have that. I'll see what i can dig up this weekend.


New Member
nice build man. really nice how your taking all that kinda ebay looking stuff off.
yea i cant stand those tail lights...the headlights are growing on me.
but my first thing is to get the 5 speed in.
im lookin around for some oem tails now and a set of 16s


New Member
Hey man... Im probably going and looking at a 93 da today that is being parted out. But supposedly the car has been cut in half and just the front half of the car left. Let me know if you need anything and ill see if he has it


New Member
i need the little change pocket on the left side of the dash under the switches on the dash....and the driver kick panel, mines cracked. if its a manual car, i also need the shifter bar with the bitch pin.


New Member
did a quick wire tuck earlier....still havnt done the fuse box but its much better.

driver side done

didnt get pics of the pass side but here it is done....i still need to paint the valve cover, get new intake and relocate battery.


New Member
yea all i got is my blackberry camera...ill try and get some better pics with my buddys digital cam