Stud replacement


New Member
Just so you can guys can correct me on changing studs out.

1. take off lugnuts and tires
2. Loosen hub bolt and pop the hub out.
3. get the old studs out
4. put new ones in by either rubber mallet or screwing them in (Not sure which this car has)
5. Reassemble everything.
Also gonna pick up a Haynes manual why i am there to buy my studs.


RS owner

The hub doesnt just 'pop off'. You have to get a slide hammer w/adapter plate to get the hub out.

Ive done this not too long ago. Its not fun.

Have fun!


New Member
Pickin one up from Autozone. Have to start tonite. My buddy is going on a trip tomorrow so we gotta do it tonite... in the rain... This is gonna be fun.


New Member
Alrighty, i think i will make him do it. He works out more than me since he is in the Army. LMAO


RS owner
lemmie write down what i did..

have a set of lug nuts you dont care about cuz they'll get fucked up!!
remove wheel, brake caliper, brake rotor, axle nut
use the lugs you dont care about and bolt on that 'dinosaur foot' to the studs. its the thing on the left. youre gonna use the middle one of the bottom 3 and the single top one

screw on the slide hammer to the 'dino foot'
slide hammer that mo-fo out!! its gonna take a lot of time (took me 40ish minutes for each hub)

when hub is out
bang out the old studs with a hammer
bang in the new studs with a hammer as fas as you can
put the hub back on the car and use the axle nut to press it back in a bit
use close ended wrenches to hang on one of the studs (as much as you need) and use the lug nuts you dont want to tighten the lugs onto the studs

when all the studs are in, tighten the axle nut and spin the hub to make sure the studs arnt hitting. if it is, do the wrench thing again.

hope this helps!

if you have any q's, pm me. i'll get it directly to my phone for almost instant replies.


New Member
Sweet man! I really appreciate it! I will be about 40 foot and a door away from my computer so communication shouldn't be bad. :)


New Member
Well, I didn't get the slide hammer or anything done. I failed to trust my instincts and research and some dude at autozone told me of another way and it was total bullshit. So, fuck it. I am calling the shop tomorrow.

Thanks for the help anyways, Coy.


StOnErZ iNc
mmmm.. Coy's got it down to even guide a blind man. I just got mine replaced today after breaking a stud last night trying to replace my lugnuts...I had to get it done asap and I saw the mechanic do the steps as he described. Good luck at the shop...I had to wait a while at the first shop I took it to...busy day -_-


New Member
Ok, this isnt worthy of a new thread since i have one that is relevant.

Approx how long would it take a decent shop to replace all my wheel studs? The guy didn't have his tech/labor guy there yet and couldnt give me an approx cost. I know its $75/hr in labor there. Ricky, i know you will know if you are on. :p


RS owner
free and do it yourself!
i didnt know how till one of my buddies texted me how to do it. im just passing along the info. with pictures!


your a genius man. thanks very much. thats deffinetley what i need to do.
im on my way to grab a dino foot and slide hammer