Turbo? LS-vtec? supercharger? Or New Fuckin Engine


If your going to be a red light racer or you want to drag your car or even just looking for some top end on the highway then go with a turbo setup on your LS motor. If you want to have the nice powerband and like cruising on some back roads and maybe racing someone through the mountains go with a GSR or Type R motor swap. Either way you'll enjoy it it's just what you want more. Something that will be fast in a straight line or something that will always have the power there for the next corner.


i dunno if my post got deleted or not, but

i posted that, i dunno why ur calling me names, when ur the one who is asking ppl wat to do with ur car, if ur into ur car that much, u would spend alot more time looking up and researching wats best for wat u want..instead of asking random shit for ppl...u asked about 3 different setups, turbo, sc, na...

u dont even know wat u want or ur goal is....so stfu and go read

james nguyen

i dunno if my post got deleted or not, but

i posted that, i dunno why ur calling me names, when ur the one who is asking ppl wat to do with ur car, if ur into ur car that much, u would spend alot more time looking up and researching wats best for wat u want..instead of asking random shit for ppl...u asked about 3 different setups, turbo, sc, na...

u dont even know wat u want or ur goal is....so stfu and go read
ummm ok i was just messing around i dont really care what u said before or now but if your gonna good pussy hurt then go for it


ummm ok i was just messing around i dont really care what u said before or now but if your gonna good pussy hurt then go for it
lol wow i'm kinda ashamed to have the same last name as you. i bet ur still in highschool and ask ur mom and dad for money to buy shit for your car.

every single forum...there are noobs like u, who make stupid ass threads thats been made hundreds of times...all u have to do is search. lol fucking noobs and their bench modding (i bet u dont even know what that means)


Can we quit the drama, if you don't like the topic ignore it.

james nguyen

lol wow i'm kinda ashamed to have the same last name as you. i bet ur still in highschool and ask ur mom and dad for money to buy shit for your car.

every single forum...there are noobs like u, who make stupid ass threads thats been made hundreds of times...all u have to do is search. lol fucking noobs and their bench modding (i bet u dont even know what that means)
i bet that when you were in highschool everyone picked on you and now thats why u like to talk shit on forums. so im guessing everyone one u supposly makes stupid threads you go tell them how stupid they are? I threw up the thread for the hell of it if u dont like it then dont leave comments n shit dood i dont know what your problem is trying to start shit "ONLINE" i bet your the wannabe gansta skinnyass vietboyz with dyed spikey blonde hair with bangs that come down to your nut sack. :shock:

OH and by the way your RSX? looks good but your srt-4? way to go whitewash there buddy hahaha
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y5 =( for now=b
to continue on with the original thread.....if you've got money i would totally go for a k24 swap like the hasport integra


lol if you see from all my post and all of his post, he's the immature kid who is getting defensive and resorting to childish name calling. apparently he cant read either, i HAD a srt4, i now own a rsx...i made a whole thread bout, which clearly states it. LOL

i dont need to continue this any further, i already know i made point, and ur childish reactions prove my point about u. i'm done here

james nguyen

lol if you see from all my post and all of his post, he's the immature kid who is getting defensive and resorting to childish name calling. apparently he cant read either, i HAD a srt4, i now own a rsx...i made a whole thread bout, which clearly states it. LOL

i dont need to continue this any further, i already know i made point, and ur childish reactions prove my point about u. i'm done here
bitch how bout i rape u in the butt?? well anywhoo yeaaaaaaaaa1