You know you drive an integra when...


New Member
You know you drive an integra when you put a large drink in the cup holder and the whole way home your holding it out so it doesn't change the radio station
you know you drive a integra when you realize the only "cupholder" you have is in the glove compartment...
(im talking about the older ones 91-93)


New Member
That's a good one...

You know you drive a DA when you have to put a pan on your passenger side floor so it doesn't leak on your floor mats when you wash it. :oops:

You know you're in a DA when the only place to keep your drink is wedged between the seat and the e-brake.
hell yeah that shit happen all the time i thought i had a rust problem


New Member
u know u drive an integra when u alway have a sqeaking noise on the back near the trunk areas where u spend a whole day looking for it and make sure tighten everything


LTDI racing
you know you drive an integra when every time you get in you feel there should be a hot chick next to you


LTDI racing
you know you drive an integra when your first biggest investment was a intake system and exhaust cat back.


Keep It Clean
You know you drive an Integra when civics tailgate you and they have blue HID's.


Keep It Clean
You know you own an Integra when you park your car in a parking lot and look back at it and you: :)


You know you drive an Integra when you and your family go on vacation overseas and all you want to do is drive your car again lol. Also, when on vacation overseas you somehow find a way to get on CI haha


Fat guy in a little coat.
you know you own an integra when you cant seem to let yourself loose from

even if you havent posted anything in like almost a year.