Tickets in the last year.


New Member
oh yea ill agree with the ftp ^^^ cause i too got the "i observed you going 78 and my radar confirmed this to me, i have the amazing ability that my eyes double as a radar gun and only use the real one for confirmation..." even though i wasnt going above 65 you fucking dick!


New Member
Damn tickets

Just got one last week, going 80 in a 60.
The month before that got off with a warning going 75 in a 60, got lucky.
Car is too much fun to drive!


New Member
oh yea ill agree with the ftp ^^^ cause i too got the "i observed you going 78 and my radar confirmed this to me, i have the amazing ability that my eyes double as a radar gun and only use the real one for confirmation..." even though i wasnt going above 65 you fucking dick!


thats what i thought how can he estimate and clocked me like he saw my low ass integra 5 miles down the highway when it was raining and 1115 at night.

he was just trying to get his donut fund up. litteraly did this :drive: i took off like usual not even half a mile down the road he pulled over another car . like in the 45 seconds he wasn't next to my car.


New Member

thats what i thought how can he estimate and clocked me like he saw my low ass integra 5 miles down the highway when it was raining and 1115 at night.

he was just trying to get his donut fund up. litteraly did this :drive: i took off like usual not even half a mile down the road he pulled over another car . like in the 45 seconds he wasn't next to my car.
Yea i was on my way to college and it just started downporing at like 7:30 am and i had a headlight out and he saw it and the worst part is he told me when he walked up that he "clocked me at 75" when he came back like no joke 20-25 minutes later he told me he "observed me" at 75 and that radar was actually at 78. and said he could reduce it to 70 in a 55. on the ticket he actually wrote i observed him at 75 and radar confirmed that he was going 78... my speedometer said 65 cause i was breaking well before he came down the road cause of the rain... fucking dick it was a $200 ticket and my headlight cost $300 to fix
i wanted to either do this :guns: this :wak: or this :whip: to him


New Member
86 in a 55...illegal tint....illegal inspection....modified exhaust, and the exhaust, tail lights, and inspection were all given at the same time by the same cop :( who followed me 5 miles before puulling me over :( and i still lost in court....i hate virginia beach courts and cops.


New Member
Yea the system is ridiculous they use OUR tax dollars to pull US over for doing 10-15 over usually on a road where the speed limit is artificially set low we had a news investigation in the dfw area last fall and they concluded that 75% of tickets written in the previous year were in locations where the speed limit was artificially set low by the ntta as a result of the report speed limits on the tollways were raised from 60-65 to 70-75..


New Member
Yea the system is ridiculous they use OUR tax dollars to pull US over for doing 10-15 over usually on a road where the speed limit is artificially set low we had a news investigation in the dfw area last fall and they concluded that 75% of tickets written in the previous year were in locations where the speed limit was artificially set low by the ntta as a result of the report speed limits on the tollways were raised from 60-65 to 70-75..

One of these days hopefully enough citizens will get tired of this bullshiiiit and start working together to fight the system and work to bring changes..

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Well-Known Member
86 in a 55...illegal tint....illegal inspection....modified exhaust, and the exhaust, tail lights, and inspection were all given at the same time by the same cop :( who followed me 5 miles before puulling me over :( and i still lost in court....i hate virginia beach courts and cops.
I haven't ever had any issues with cops in the area. Sorry to hear you had so much trouble with them.

Yea the system....
Yea the system ...
Double post ftl, with an edit in the second one.

Just got my first ticket tonight. 80 in a 45, really dissapointed o well. Ticket was $119
45mph zone... thats not even the highway, thats traffic light-type road there. Surprised they didnt take you down for reckless driving and impound your car or something.

Lucky for me I don't have any tickets, and haven't had anything since a failure to yield at a crosswalk in '05.


New Member
Yeah i was going on 3 years of clear record. Lol ill blame the car it just wants to go fast all the time. JK! Yeah cop was not impressed.