My car rattles like a snake


Active Member
axle depends..if the car still shakes while the car is not in gear and the car is in rolling, then it's not the axle


Looking for my next Teg..
could be a few things that factor into this sort of issue.. bent rim, off balanced rim, mis matched tires, alignment slightly off, Axle is out of balance, warped rotor, bad motor mount...

DO a visual inspection of motor mounts if they are good that is easiest item to check off.

check your tires to make sure they are all wearing evenly.

last just go to an alignment shop and get everything checked straightened and balanced.


Active Member
sounds like tires/wheels. check to see if any of your wheels have bends or you have any knots in your tires, that's one process of elimination.


check to see if your motor mounts are torn, and if they are replace them also your tires could be off balance. and get an allignment.