

When I shift from 1st to 2nd my tranny grinds like a bitch if I hold the clutch in while shifting and let the rpms drop to like 1500 it doesn't grind too bad when I double clutch it doesn't do it at all so is this the syncros or the gear? So how was it caused? Will it get worse? Is it bad to drive it? Should I avoid 2nd? How do I fix it? Any help is greatly appreciated thanks guys.


New Member
Yes, its the sychros. Double clutch from now on. I'm so used to it I double clutch all the gears including 5th. I think its from grabbing the gears too quickly at high rpm's, which makes the synchros wear out fast. New ones cost a pretty penny cause u have to buy a whole new 2nd gear from Honda. I have no clue on the aftermarket. U could also have a 3rd gen gearset put into a b16 tranny case.


I believe it is your synchros. It's just wear and tear on the transmission, missing a shift, that kind of thing. It will probably get worse, and probably start wearing your gear. However ther'es not much you can do without a transmission rebuild. When I priced a rebuild it was $1200 to have my transmission rebuilt, IF I pulled it out and took it to the transmission shop. You can pick up a rebuild kit for $300-400 or just buy a transmission from a junkyard for $200-400ish.

Try to avoid grinding it as much as you can, cause it will only get worse.. but second is hard to avoid. Mine grinded in third so I just started in second and went to fourth. (1st gear is short, I don't like to use it much. lol.)