New Member
Hi guys and girls, here are the pics from my Duplicolor Caliper paint kit project:
It cost me $16 at Kragen, but I'm sure any auto store will have this product.
1st got the car up on jacks:
The reason I did this was so I could do everything at once.
My brake dust covered front passenger side caliper:
Pretty nasty, take extra precaution not to inhale any loose brake dust because it may contain asbestos! I would definately recommend wearing a painters mask while cleaning.
After cleaning with the supplied caliper cleaner:
I basically generously sprayed on the provided caliper cleaner and scrubbed off all the brake dust I possibly could. I sprayed with caliper cleaner, then scrubbed with a tooth brush, then wiped off with a rag. For my last cleaning, I sprayed on the caliper cleaner liberally, to the point where it was dripping off, then wiped off the excess brake dust. It took me about 4 cleanings to get to this product. Make sure to clean off as much as possible or the paint wont stick.
Note: place some newspaper under your caliper when you do this!
After taping off and 3 coats of paint:
I basically taped off everything I didnt want excess paint to get on using the supplied masking tape. Rip small pieces to get in between tight fitting areas. If you are extremely careful, you can use minimal tape, as I did here. Do three light coats, one every 15-20 minutes. Because the paint is enamel you dont want to go over an area you did over an hour ago. Try to finish up painting the caliper within a one hour span, or you'll have to come back to it after a couple days!
Note: you might not want to use the brush supplied because I noticed some of the bristles would fall off and get stuck onto the paint. I made that mistake and some bristles were left on the other calipers. My cousin avoided this mistake by using a brush he bought from home depot.
Tape off, and wheels back on, the finished product!:
As the supplied directions say, let it sit for 2 hrs before putting the wheels back on. Let cure for 24 hours or else the paint will flake off!
More pics up later after the paint fully cures and I get a chance to wash my car!
Also, you can find an instructional video on www.duplicolor.com, definately worth watching first.
These are just a couple hints, follow the directions supplied with the kit and all should go well! Good luck with your project!
It cost me $16 at Kragen, but I'm sure any auto store will have this product.
1st got the car up on jacks:
The reason I did this was so I could do everything at once.

My brake dust covered front passenger side caliper:
Pretty nasty, take extra precaution not to inhale any loose brake dust because it may contain asbestos! I would definately recommend wearing a painters mask while cleaning.

After cleaning with the supplied caliper cleaner:
I basically generously sprayed on the provided caliper cleaner and scrubbed off all the brake dust I possibly could. I sprayed with caliper cleaner, then scrubbed with a tooth brush, then wiped off with a rag. For my last cleaning, I sprayed on the caliper cleaner liberally, to the point where it was dripping off, then wiped off the excess brake dust. It took me about 4 cleanings to get to this product. Make sure to clean off as much as possible or the paint wont stick.
Note: place some newspaper under your caliper when you do this!

After taping off and 3 coats of paint:
I basically taped off everything I didnt want excess paint to get on using the supplied masking tape. Rip small pieces to get in between tight fitting areas. If you are extremely careful, you can use minimal tape, as I did here. Do three light coats, one every 15-20 minutes. Because the paint is enamel you dont want to go over an area you did over an hour ago. Try to finish up painting the caliper within a one hour span, or you'll have to come back to it after a couple days!
Note: you might not want to use the brush supplied because I noticed some of the bristles would fall off and get stuck onto the paint. I made that mistake and some bristles were left on the other calipers. My cousin avoided this mistake by using a brush he bought from home depot.

Tape off, and wheels back on, the finished product!:
As the supplied directions say, let it sit for 2 hrs before putting the wheels back on. Let cure for 24 hours or else the paint will flake off!

More pics up later after the paint fully cures and I get a chance to wash my car!
Also, you can find an instructional video on www.duplicolor.com, definately worth watching first.
These are just a couple hints, follow the directions supplied with the kit and all should go well! Good luck with your project!
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