My 95 integra SE slow build


No fucks given.
Lower it already!! :p

Working on that... Damn thing has been stuck at my buddy's house for over a weeks. Problems occurred when we tried to get the rears off, had to order parts and we'll be working on tomorrow.


New Member
Hmmm I like it a lot on the older front bumpers.. I wasn't sure if it would look good or not. Changing em out now :D


New Member
Did you sand/polish them, or just clean them?
Sand and polished in the brutal heat.. honestly it was rushed, 4 hours for one was enough sanding for my taste... mind you it was all hand sanded. I used 180, 400, 600, 800, and 1500. I'm done sanding for a very very long time


New Member
a lot of things happened.......bought my wife her first integra sedan for $2,000 its a bone stock 98 4 Door with only 78,342 miles!!! I jumped on that deal like a beast here are some pics of her.... oh btw unfortunately its auto cuz she refused to drive manual ah well. also I still have the 95 integra that is in the shop dropping a new engine in



New Member
Also bought myself a gift of my own a brand new 2015 Si here are some pics... I should have my 95 integra out of the shop soon will post pics with the new engine soon as I get the chance.
