Post edit blues. The advice, tips and questions column.


Well-Known Member
I was kind of sad because when I messed with the sky it brought out a lens flare :( I stopped using a filter and I think I need to get another one now..


Active Member
Aww yeah first video. Best viewed in HD I think (at least on my laptop). The song I chose has foul language though so beware if you're watching at work. Just a little Westside Connection.


What I used/did: Clone stamp, blur, smudge, liquefy, highlights, yellow desaturation.


Active Member
OK all done. Haven't been shooting a lot lately so just been chopping stuff up. This took about 3 hours total spread across last week. Practicing the clone stamp, blur and smudge intensities and flows, highlights, and color blending and saturation/hue changes. Not perfect but I love it.




The other asshole
I ain't got s*** on that but I'll make a contribution, Sick work Joe :thumbs up

Pre edit:

Post edit:

Pretty obvious: White balance, Some removing/darkening of the side areas and a tiny little bit of highlight adjustment to tone down the glare from the LEDs

Edit: New version, Just playing with photoshop while it's slow at work, Cropped and a small detail added.

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The other asshole

Oh and the lighting is a technique I've been practicing called light painting.
