this guy got hated on


CI Transfomer God!
how did the get inside and to the engine bay? the windows arent broken, All the stuff that was done to the car and the racist remarks It had to be an American car enthusiast.

Its 2009 why people still having to deal with this racist shit! it pisses me off so bad knowing that i have to live in the same country as assholes like this!




nothing from nowhere
when i looked at this again, man this really is sad. i couldn't imagine how this guy must feel, not just about the car but about himself personally. bottom line, do good- get good, do bad- get bad!


New Member
damn.... he must have an enemy cuz that shit doesnt just happen cuz someone is bored and want to do some damage...


New Member
Yeah I saw this on JDM Universe its sad to see this....


Wait... What?
damn.... he must have an enemy cuz that shit doesnt just happen cuz someone is bored and want to do some damage...
I disagree. Jews have been the whipping post for most of the world for centuries. It's wrong but some people just hate jews because they are jewish. :( On the upside, they have made it through alot this far throught history, I just hope Obama shuts his mouth soon before he abandons our biggest ally... Israel.


93 Integra GS
that really sucks. What they did to his car was taken to far. There's getting your point across and then there is being a total ass.


I <3 2.4l's
if you have a problem with a person, go to him. Not his car, that the pussy way to mess with someone.


I cant even imagine what i would do if this happened to me...What gets me curious is..was there an alarm? all this happened and noone saw or heard anything?someone had to


93 Integra GS
if you have a problem with a person, go to him. Not his car, that the pussy way to mess with someone.
yeah I agree, if you have a problem with him, let him know. Don't be a pussy and do soming that nobody knows who actually did it. Thats being an ass and not real tough.


teg driver
oh my god... fuck haters. i sear every racist person is a like... they take shit way farther than it needs to go... i think w should set up a paypal thing for him s try ad convince him to keep that car... i mean ppl in the car community will gladly pitch it money for him to rebuild his car... anyone have an email account for this guy? i want to send him an email and say how bad i feel for him... and maybe try to get some funds going in his way...