2nd amendment rights


Integra God
If you believe in your second amendment rights, i hope you are as outraged by this as i am.

this is the email i sent right after reading that:

"Dear Madam Speaker,
Having read your declared intention of instituting a national registration of firearms I thought it only fitting that we, the Constitution loving gun owners of America, should therefore declare our intent to fight you with any and every means possible. Firearms are our last defense against those who would RULE us as opposed to those who would govern at the will of the people. Your personal agenda is attempting to take our country off of the Constitutional path that allows you to govern in the first place. By your own actions you are attempting to negate the 2nd Amendment and all it stands for. This cannot and will not be allowed to happen. I have absolutely nothing more to lose than those Minutemen that stopped King George from attempting exactly what you and your political allies are contemplating today. Consider yourself warned of the potential consequences should you attempt to destroy the Constitution that our great country is founded on.

Charles Curtis
Warner Robins Ga

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New Member
Hmmm... It doesn't bother me, I'm from California as you can see where we have the strictest gun laws out of all 50 states. There are so many laws and crap going on with guns I think it might be a lost cause to fight it... I just did a quick research and apparently the UK has a even stricter gun law and it seems to be doing them pretty well. Then again were so close to mexico it'll probably still be easy for the bad people to get the guns... Hmmm. Not my deal, I don't have a fire arm and don't intend on getting one until i'm a cop.

I'm more interested on the outcome of the whole prop 8 fight as far as politics goes.


Wait... What?
It is funny how raving liberals like Pelosi and Barney Frank think that they can help control criminals in this country by imposing gun restrictions. All that will do is disarm the law abiding citizens. The criminals who were going to break the law any way will still have guns, the only difference is whether or not we will be able to defend ourselves. This is all beside the fact that it's unconstitutional.


Integra God
^^^exactly. for those that dont know, australia banned guns a few years ago and gun crime has risen 400% since then.


New Member
Yea.... Makes sense, It's to late to abolish fire arms. If it was about 50 years ago it would of had a positive outcome but your right... I see this being back firing.


Keep on Truckin
if they try to take it away there is a serious issue. i dont own a gun yet, but i will and i am damn sure going to do what it takes to keep it that way.


Super Duper Moderator

You have not only one of the powerful lobbies in the country on your side, but the incontrovertible words of the Constitution itself.:headbang:
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the fucks that want to take our firearms are many and strong.but the ones that stand for us before those people are stronger and more.besides,we have guns and they dont.lol