Aaron Russo passed away today


Expirence = Mistakes Made
in The words of Thonas Jefferson "When the people fear the goverment there is tyranny. When the goverment fears the people there is Liberty."



New Member
Interesting ... I need to read about him, is the wiki a good representation of him?
it is a good summary. the best way to see him is in his movie, and what he has done on the newest site. he's a very much "for the people" person, and he worked very hard to do what he could to buck the corruption. i think everyone should watch his latest movie, it's free on google vid, and if you get a group order from his site, it's as little as $1 per dvd. there's just so much fact in it that people may have never known that it would probably alter the way anyone, who watches it, perceives their govt.


New Member
his documentary was very compelling. Hopefully everyone realizes the message he tried to get across during his life.

RIP Aaron Russo, your message will continue to go on