any idea how this is done?


I don't see how water can travel upward when gravity is pulling downward. The only thing I can think off like a fish tank pump or water pond pump where it sucks in then shoot it out from another location. The question is how is water traveling upward this is where It does not make since to me unless somehow gravity it pulling upward.


New Member
Like I said- it's an illusion to make it LOOK like it's traveling uphill. Reality is that the water is going DOWN hill.
As Rich said, it's an optical illusion. It only looks like it's going up because of the angle of the camera. If they moved the camera, you would see that it doesn't look at all like you thought at first. Those bends that your mind tells you are 90 degrees are actually far from it.


New Member
Google will tell you exactly how to do it. Try searching some of the key tags on the YouTube page.

I guess oh guys never saw the sidewalk chalk art illusions either huh?
Google will tell you exactly how to do it. Try searching some of the key tags on the YouTube page.

I guess oh guys never saw the sidewalk chalk art illusions either huh?
That is exactly what I thought of when I saw the video. That and M.C. Escher.


Active Member
its flat. ive seen these kind of things before like this dude who was standing in a box but you see it from a different angle and you can clearly see its not a box at all just wood built to look like something like a box when at the right angle


New Member
That shit was dumb as hell... lol

Who really cares how he did it? It wont better any of our lives once we find out. I say just forget about that.