Any info on this car...?


New Member
It looks like the center of the "nose" of the hood is wider than OEM.

I know it's legit, I want the paper traill showing/proving how it can be done!
it does look wider don't it- any front end is possible with a good fabricato:twisted:r

buy nigger rig mugs, tshirts and magnets
to affix some abnormal object an ordinary every day object to obtain the original usefulness that it was designed for while using materials that present themselves in a ghetto environment
nigger riggging is attaching a coat hanger to an attena on a boom box to achieve the maximum reception while listining to fity cent, otherwise known as dumb nigger.


New Member
Those lights look sick. Anyone search the forums yet? If there are pics of the swap, after the fact, maybe in the same thread there is a mini write up? Just a thought. I'm gonna search now.

Also, it does not matter how the word "nigger" is used, its still considered a racist term. I understand the usage here, but this probably isn't the place for that.


New Member
Those lights look sick. Anyone search the forums yet? If there are pics of the swap, after the fact, maybe in the same thread there is a mini write up? Just a thought. I'm gonna search now.

Also, it does not matter how the word "nigger" is used, its still considered a racist term. I understand the usage here, but this probably isn't the place for that.



From the bay to LV
both the hood and the fenders were modded to fit the lights, it's been done on a couple different cars, check out the da only thread on honda-tech for some more examples


New Member
The headlights look good, but seriously get over the nigger rig stuff. It was a mistake being said and thats that just fucking drop it already. This is a car site not a "politically correct" site.


New Member
What do you mean "nigger rigged it"? As in a black person ghetto rigged it?
Why not honkey rigged, or twink rigged?? im not even black but out of allllll the words to think of ?? niger rigged>



it's a matter of changing the shape of the inset so it is more square as you can see in the pictures. the core support doesn't need any major modification other than re-drilling some holes to mount the light, as the jdm ITR headlight mounts nearly the same way as the jdm DA headlight, IIRC only two holes per side are off by a bit. finally the hood does need some modification, the center lip where the emblem sits on a g2 must be widened, as the jdm ITR headlights are shorter than the jdm DA headlights.