^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


Drop it, guys. The issues have been addressed via PM with those involved. If there are anymore issues of the same nature in the future, infractions/temporary bans will be issued.

Liiiiiighten up! It's Saturday! Lol


yes it is . hot and cloudy sucks.
Where are you from? I'm too lazy to go back and check since I have this screen open already. lol Sacramento usually isn't humid, but we have 36% right now. Ugh!

It's like 95* here but we don't have humidity
Normally we don't either! I'd rather it be 100 degrees and dry than 90 degrees with humidity. kdjndkljndkljn,ddn! The office is getting warm right now, too. lol Damn customers! Stealing all my AC!