aspartame drinks only


New Member
got on msn this morning and saw this article. it's cool if they want to take soda out and replace it with healthy drinks. but for the older kids, they still leave in diet sodas. diet sodas are sweetened w/aspartame. aspartame causes various problems, and can take years to show up, and some of it is irreversible. and i've heard that they're moving to put flouride in bottled water. another problem as flouride does just the opposite of what they say. it actually harms bones and teeth, not helps. if i remember correctly, the first place they put flouride in drinking water was nazi germany. bah, i wonder if northern ireland is like this too...... i'll be moving there in a few years.


Suzuka Integra
i just saw that about the soda like 15 min ago. glad im done with high school and all that crap lol.


New Member
k624ash said:
In Philadelphia they have been adding flouride to the water since the 50's.

yeh, i lived in the country my whole life minus the last year and so.... i started drinking the water here in the city, and i could no longer eat chocolate, or ice cream, or sweets. then i hear that flouride is the devil, look some stuff up on it, and start gettin jugs from my mom and dad's house of water to drink instead. no more sensitive annoying teeth. btw, they have well water.


New Member
teg2nr7 said:
i just saw that about the soda like 15 min ago. glad im done with high school and all that crap lol.

yeh, school is the best and easiest way to be brainwashed. if your govt wanted to convince you of whatever lies they wanted you to believe so that you didnt see the real picture, how could they do it? offer a "public education" paid for by your taxes, and monitored by the govt as to what goes in the text books, and what comes from the mouths of the teachers. your taught these people know the truth about everything, listen to these people, and learn what they teach you. well, what if they're full of mularky? and what if they're on a downward trend so that we're oblivious to what's really going on? they allready are over most media, they're trying make the net not so free on speech anymore, they control our water and food supplies. they control our gas, and transportation system. they assign us a number, and depending on where you are, depends on how closely your watched and monitored. and with rfid's it's gonna get progressively worse there too......... does this make me seem upset with our "officials"?? :shock:


the lone outdoorsman
what a joke .... at my high school nobody bought soda on campus anyway, everyone went to the gas station across the street.


New Member
graveyardhippie said:
yeh, i lived in the country my whole life minus the last year and so.... i started drinking the water here in the city, and i could no longer eat chocolate, or ice cream, or sweets. then i hear that flouride is the devil, look some stuff up on it, and start gettin jugs from my mom and dad's house of water to drink instead. no more sensitive annoying teeth. btw, they have well water.
My teeth hurt if i eat too much sweet stuff, especially sour patch kids. Is that the Flouride?


New Member
k624ash said:
My teeth hurt if i eat too much sweet stuff, especially sour patch kids. Is that the Flouride?

it quite appearantly has something to do with it. it deteriorates your teeth..... basically their weaker, so harsher things like sugars n stuff will have a much bigger effect on them. i learned that first hand, and i shant drink from teh public water systems again. but i'll mail the good stuff to ya if u want 8)

and i really like ur teg btw


New Member
Fluoride used by Nazis to sterilize inmates and make them docile. Fluoride a key dumbing down ingredient of Prozac and Sarin nerve gas -- poisons of choice for tyrant rats.

Independent scientific evidence repeatedly showing up over the past 50
years reveals that fluoride allegedly shortens our life span, promotes
cancer and various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken
hips in old folks, and makes us stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one
package. There are reports of aluminum in the brain possibly being a
causative factor in Alzheimer's Disease, and evidence points towards
fluoride's strong affinity for aluminum and also its ability to "trick" the
blood-brain barrier by looking like the hydrogen ion, and thus allowing
chemical access to brain tissue............
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New Member

Aspartame sugar substitutes cause worrying symptoms from memory loss to brain tumours. But despite US FDA approval as a 'safe' food additive, aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances ever to be foisted upon an unsuspecting public.
A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include:
Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.
According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame:
Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.