B16 Cable Trans ???


Hazardous Grounds
If i put a b16 cable trans on my car do i have to change my clutch or are the splines the same? I have a b18A1. And is it really worth it.


beep beep
should bolt right up without out changing anything but it sucks having short gears.you can ask someone that knows how to work on them to put the ls 4 & 5 gear in the b16 trans that would be worth it


Hazardous Grounds
thanks guys. Reps for ya. And i was told i can put my LS 5th and be good. so thats what ima do.


Hazardous Grounds
i dont ride the interstate much but when i do i also dont wanna fill up every 100 miles lol.


Resident Asshole
Before saying "yeah it'll bolt right up" you might wanna ask a few questions!! For starters what year DA do you have and what year is the b16 trans. Reason I am asking this is because 90-91 Cable B's use a small spline clutch, where 92-93 share the big spline that the 94+ B series use.


Hazardous Grounds
Before saying "yeah it'll bolt right up" you might wanna ask a few questions!! For starters what year DA do you have and what year is the b16 trans. Reason I am asking this is because 90-91 Cable B's use a small spline clutch, where 92-93 share the big spline that the 94+ B series use.
I have a 90.


Resident Asshole
The 90-91 B series trannies have different spline counts then the 92+ as I previously mentioned. It doesn't matter if its a LS or B16, I ran into this issue once when I went form a cable B16 (smalll spline) to a cable LS (large spline). Thats why I asked the OP what year his trans and car was. If he has a 90 Integra then he has a small spline clutch, but if his trans is from a 92-93 JDM XSI then he will need to change the clutch to the bigger spline style clutch. Again thats why I said before saying "oh yeah it'll bolt right up, questions needed to be asked".

You are correct in saying they will bolt up to the motor, however its the clutch that becomes the issue here. To the OP, just try putting your input shaft inside the clutch before bolting everything up to make sure it fits. If it does then you're good to go, if it doesn't then you now know you need a different clutch.

What code is on the side of your transmission (the b16 one), that right there will tell you what clutch you need to use. If it says YS1 then its a 92-93 XSi trans.

If its stamped with either J1/S1, then its from a 90-91 DA6 (XSI)
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Hazardous Grounds
the 90-91 b series trannies have different spline counts then the 92+ as i previously mentioned. It doesn't matter if its a ls or b16, i ran into this issue once when i went form a cable b16 (smalll spline) to a cable ls (large spline). Thats why i asked the op what year his trans and car was. If he has a 90 integra then he has a small spline clutch, but if his trans is from a 92-93 jdm xsi then he will need to change the clutch to the bigger spline style clutch. Again thats why i said before saying "oh yeah it'll bolt right up, questions needed to be asked".

You are correct in saying they will bolt up to the motor, however its the clutch that becomes the issue here. To the op, just try putting your input shaft inside the clutch before bolting everything up to make sure it fits. If it does then you're good to go, if it doesn't then you now know you need a different clutch.

What code is on the side of your transmission (the b16 one), that right there will tell you what clutch you need to use. If it says ys1 then its a 92-93 xsi trans.

If its stamped with either j1/s1, then its from a 90-91 da6 (xsi)