B18a2 head swap


New Member
hi guys im actually new to acura n just got a 91 integra n been wondering if the head can be swapped to make it into a vtec or wat head can give me better performance than the original. just wondering as i cant quite find any thing on this block b18a2 so any advice will be appreciated


New Member
ls/vtec is what you can do hit our search forum and type in Ls/Vtec I know Ive personally commented on half a dozn threads like this; its a lot of work for Ls/Vtec and you may be safe doing a full motor swap anyway if an Ls/V isnt done right it will break down


New Member
LS/VTEC. Google it and weigh the pros and cons. Question, why not just put some really good non-VTEC cams in your engine and have something that will be competitive with VTEC engines? VTEC isn't all that magical. Plenty of guys build up the B18a's and b's and make very impressive numbers without VTEC.


level 77 troll
But for the same price, you can build up a vtec engine and still have room to grow.....
