B18b exhaust suggestions?


New Member
Hi, I wanted to know what kinda exhaust that sounds and performance good with a Acura integra ls stock b18b motor? Cat-back exhaust? What kinda headers will also go good with an exhaust? Sorry I'm a noob.


The other asshole
The yonaka is cheap, but it sounds pretty good too. There are several members over the years who have had one and the only issue anyone had was a cracked resonator, but he contacted yonaka and they sent him a new one.


Active Member
GReddy Evo 2 with a DC header because master race


This will help a little

Remember, how much power you want = the diameter of your exhaust system


Acura Driver
Quick Tip: If you budge and decide to get an eBay exhaust then please leave the cat on at least so it won't sound so raspy. Unless you turbo, then it's sort of a mild sound.