Bumper Question. Pretty funny.... : (


New Member
Hey integra drivers
Sooo Im driving to work today in my scrubs and im rolling in the teggy. I pull into my work parking lot and a girl flags me down. Im like cool this day is turning great. But she was only flaggin me to tell me that half my bumper was hanging off :oops: Soo I look at it and i notice that my bumper was only held on by two screws by the rear wheels. I noticed that a lot of that shit under there is rusted.. I have an extra bumper that has all the tabs but I dont think that I can attach it since the stuff is rusted. Ohh yeah and this is the rear bumper Ne suggestions?
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New Member
do u have access to a welder? mig? tig? i do alot of that on my restoration project, 69 chevelle 2dr coupe had lots of rust, but wleding, mig would be best probably, u can weld small amounts of stock to the holes you put screws in at least hold it until u figure if u want to spend money or repair it old fashion way.


New Member
Damn yeah I dont know anything about welding and I dont know anyone that welds
