busted cv boot


Old Skool
I heard a ticking sound on the driver side the other day when I hit the brakes. checked under the car and sure enough the cv boot is split in two. anyone know the average cost for this to be repaired? I know the price of the boot itself isn't much. How hard is it to replace it myself?


Old Skool
ok so I'm gonna have to change the left axle out..anyone here done this? just want to get some advice whether I should try to do it myself or take it to a shop...I've changed brake pads, rotors, struts, springs...but never the axle. any advice would be much appreciated


Slow Driver
I've changed both my axles and have had to take them out for different jobs before, it's not that big of a deal. The hardest part is getting the axle nut off. After you get that off, you will need to take off a few more bolts and it will slide right out. I would suggest going to a shop or getting a buddy that has done it before to help out. It's not something you want to mess up. All car work is basically the same though, take the parts apart, remove old one, insert new one, put parts back together (for the most part). But there is always something that happens that makes you have to work for way longer then you should and swear more then a biker.