C.I. Official Bodybuilding and Workout Crew Thread


Like the thread says. This thread was made for Club Integra members who Bodybuild or Workout and for those that are looking to start a Workout regemine. This is the place to talk about your progress, get advice, and trade information. With that being said. Let's get it started!


actually has an FB6 now.
THAT'S WASSUP. Can't say i'm a body builder, but i work out often to get the ladies...haha just kidding.

still trying to lose the bits of baby fat i have left on my stomach. but it seems that my workout has stopped showing any improvements. recommendations? also i try to eat healthier and less if it's fat as hell.

what's your trick mr. buff guy. i saw you bro. you're like...brock lesnar.
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THAT'S WASSUP. Can't say i'm a body builder, but i work out often to get the ladies...haha just kidding.

still trying to lose the bits of baby fat i have left on my stomach. but it seems that my workout has stopped showing any improvements. recommendations?
Same here lol and possibly switch it up. Seems that your muscles have gotten used to the routine. Try some new exercises and maybe add some more cardio?

Lol my secret? Swimmer and water polo player since I was 9 years old and did martial arts since the age of 10. I hold Black belts in 2 martial arts :D I may have gotten a lil pudgy after high school but I still get down hahah.

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actually has an FB6 now.
yeah. i do all of this at home also. my gym membership ended november 2011 and since then, i've been using body weight, free weights, and anything that weighed a good amount.

oh that's dope. i used to study Tai Chi Quan/Chuan, but as a hobby. i play basketball regularly on free time when i'm not playing video games or working. i've lost a significant amount of weight since middle school and i've gained around 3 pounds since entering college last year, but i basically look and stand the same. just want to lose more.


Word. So you're looking to lose more. I'm also in college and when the semester starts I'll have to figure out how to juggle school, work, gym and homework. I'd just suggest watching your diet. Eat lean protien and veggies. treat the junk food like the strip club. look but dont touch :lol: and drink lots of water. And get some cardio in there. I've been doing 10 min cardio warm up followed by 1hr to 1hr and a half of heavy lifting for 10 -12 reps, 4 sets each for each exercise I do which I can do more now since I have the gym membership. Then I finish up with another 20-30 mins of cardio. Dropped 10lbs in 2 weeks so far. Since you're doing it at home maybe p90x is for you? It's worked for me before. just need to dedicate a hour to hour and a half per day if I remember correctly. I lost about 60lbs on p90x a year ago.


actually has an FB6 now.
that's great. yeah. i don't know how to divide my healthy foods and junk food well. i've got to eat more lean and all that, but it's a struggle hahaha.

i have P90X, but for some reason, i can't pay attention to a video telling me to workout. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it's not a credible workout, because it worked for a lot of friends and you're saying it did also, but i just can't do it for some reason haha. i will soon, but school is around the corner and i'm bad at time management.


It is a struggle lol especially with a hectic schedule. But Boneless and skinless chicken breast baked or grilled on a george forman grill or something like that is always good. I like Salmon or Tilapia fish. Ground turkey instead of ground beef. wheat bread, whole wheat pasta. brown or wild rice. Fruits and veggies for sure. But Stay away from watermelon :lol: I mostly eat grapes, apples, oranges, and occasionally blend in a banana to one of my post workout whey protien shakes. They say eat almonds and cashews as well for snacks. pretzels and popcorn are good too. I guess the key is you have to eat more to lose. That's a concept i'm still trying to grasp. But I guess like your 3 meals a day and snacks in between and lots of water. I drink at least a gallon a day. I have a 2.2 liter jug and I carry that around with me and refil it thru the corse of the day. At first you'll be peeing alot :lol: but eventually your body will get used to it. I think they said if you need to pee once every hour you're well hydrated :lol: But anyway... Start off with some of that stuff. And if you don't like p90x maybe try to watch it and pick out some exercises you like, write them down and then try them on your own without the video later?


New Member

I support this. Lost 30lbs since oct 2011. Née to loose slot more

I posted this shiit with my mathafucckin iPod touch


I've been out of the game for about 2 years now and want to get back in. When I graduated highschool I weighted 160lbs. A year later weighed in at 190 and gradually got to my sticking point of 215. I mainly ate like a pig but cut out my junk food and soda. I would do power lifting one week, then go to less weight more reps the second, then my third week I would mix heavy with light. Cardio every other day. I'm down to 175-180 now but still have muscle, just not as much. I lost it most in my legs.
I took my fair share of different supplements. Protein powders, multi-vitamins, nitric oxidens, ect. I always did them in cycles switching products every 4-6 weeks.
Here are a few snaps of me

@about 195 (2-3 years ago)

My peak 215

Around 180ish (recent)

It's kinda depressing thinking about it...


The sad thing is I have a free gym membership for as long as I work for the company I work for and have 400+ pounds of weights sitting in the garage with a bench and squat rack. When Having a family life and working 8-12s is my life, its hard to find time anymore.


The sad thing is I have a free gym membership for as long as I work for the company I work for and have 400+ pounds of weights sitting in the garage with a bench and squat rack. When Having a family life and working 8-12s is my life, its hard to find time anymore.
Dam... Well start off slow when you have free time. 1/2 an hour here or there is better than nothing


I've been wanting to setup my basement with it all. Thays my plan this week when I het a few days off