Car won't start


So this morning I go out to my car to head to work. Go to start it, she cranks over but don't actually start. Last time I drove my car was Monday. And in Monday I fixed my fog lights. Any idea what it could be? I know it's not very descriptive. But at this point it's all I know.

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New Member
What did you do to fix your fog lights? Possibly unrelated, but figured I would ask.

A car needs 3 things to start. Air, fuel and spark...well 4 if you include power to crank it over, but you have that. It also obviously has air. That just leaves fuel and spark. Find out which one you don't have.


The only thing that I did was piggy back a fuse and that was only on the sunroof fuse spot. That's what one of the guys here at work was saying was fuel or spark. So when I get home from work I'll check to see if I have pressure or not. Should be what around 45psi?

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New Member
Yeah, I would check fuses first since you did mess with wiring


I pulled all the fuses and checked. They are all good. I pulled the OEM pump and wired it to my batt and it spun. What is the best way to track to see if there is power getting to the wires of the pump? I have a lil tester that I put in the plug and turned the car on and it didn't light up, then I did the same thing to the other hole. It didn't light up either. I need some help!!!

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New Member
Did you disconnect any engine grounds when you were working on your fogs? I would say the ignition coil. Easy to see if theres no spark.


I'm not getting any spark either I just tested that theory by pulling the plug and grounding it out.

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