`.-. Changed my Gauge Light to Amber!!! =]


Wingless Hatch
Sorry. They're not as bright as the amber or stock bulbs. Then again maybe it was me with the camera. lol. I'll try to get some better ones to post up here. Thanks for commenting though.

:twisted: :rice:


Unregistered User
I'm currently changing all my climate control's to blue in my DA to match my deck. It looks sick, but I dont know how I'll do the guage cluster, havent decided yet. I'll post pictures when i get it finished.


Wingless Hatch
All right. Its not my camera work. The blue is not as bright as the other colors. I may do like TegSox did with the PIAA superbrights if I can find them in blue. Who knows. And Kuchta, you can look at my posted pix and take a look at how yours will look. But then again...

:twisted: :rice:


New Member
damn once i saw the tutioral i went out and did it ...was simple thought it would be kinda hard

ill take pics later on today or tommrow morring

did amber i think i might do red since my car is red

edit i really dont have 175,000 miles i switched it out with a gsr with 27,000
heres white and amber

i stuck with amber i didnt like white


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Im in a band DO ME!!!!!
Thats tight....i just saw this and had to do it to mine, so i just did mine like 2 seconds ago.....and it looks sweet!!!!!!


New and fresh.
I had blue... the color burnt off and it turned into a weird green shade after about a month or two, got full amber ones and they've been looking great for almost half a year. Looking to do my clock and other misc things...