Chibi chops: ChoroQ and PennyRacing


Active Member
I've been trying to find stuff to do with Photoshop and some pics I have. These are the results. I'll be taking requests here and will also be randomly selecting some CI member pics from threads I browse to add to this thread. Post your pics (high resolution) for the best result.

The smaller your pic, the smaller the result since I have to transform and compress the original pics. Also the crappier the pic quality the crappier the results lol



freakinalex from Instagram:

My buddy Dan's clean DA:

evan_komar from Instagram:




bkirshr and MyDC2isSlow:


Boredest Member
LOL but it looks like a cruiser now.

Ive seen a girl post photos of her on a motorcycle claiming she races and shes under 5ft. Now i know how the photos were done. I knew she was full of shit though cus the proportions were wrong/impossible but she did it trying to show a very short person on a motorcycle.