cleaning windows? =/


New Member
i got tinted windows and i gotta clean em cause they keep foggn up randomnly... in september like wtf.... but there all nasty so any suggestions on what to use to clean em


thats right.
window cleaner :shockl:
lol but seriously :p if its just like grime on the windows then go buy some window cleaner at ur nearest store or head to a gas station and use the free cleaner and squegee/spounge they have there


New Member
on the outside of the window you can clean them with anything, but on the inside with the tint dont use any cleaner that has ammonia, it will ruin the tint


Keep It Clean
Get a spray bottle, fill it up water, and put 5 drops of dish washing soap. It will cut grease, grime, ect ect.

You can keep that spray bottle of water/soap with some micro fibers in a box, in the back under the hatch, for the next time you need it.


Gold Member
ok go with me on this one. Take white vinegar and either spray it on out of some kinda spray bottle or use a rag to wipe it on and then take newspaper and set it on your windows till the moisture is gone. It works! IDK if it will screw with your tint or not but it will clean the outside good fa sho!


93 Integra GS
Get a spray bottle, fill it up water, and put 5 drops of dish washing soap. It will cut grease, grime, ect ect.

You can keep that spray bottle of water/soap with some micro fibers in a box, in the back under the hatch, for the next time you need it.
this is how I do mine


New Member
go to any gas station and use the windshield cleaner to clean the inside and outside of your windows. it works like butter! :)


New Member
For the outside- dishsoap/water and a brillo side of a dish sponge.

For the inside use dishsoap/water in spray bottle and use ktchen sponge.