Converting to Manual


New Member
Alright guys I have 98' Integra ls auto with intake, and I really want to convert to manual. Is it worth it? My cousins keep telling me I should switch to stick, both of them have Hondas, one has a 2000 civic Si and the other has a 97' Integra GSR so I see why they want me to switch. Will it be faster


New Member
Manual is slightly faster than automatic. Only because the power needs to go through the torque converter with the automatic and the transmission is heavier than the manual. Manual is fun, but automatic is convenient. If you decide to convert your car search the forums and find a "how to" guide from manual to automatic. I suggest getting a parts car or going to the junkyard to get some parts for the swap. Some major stuff you would need to swap your tranny would be ECU, new tranny mounts, shift linkages, cluster, etc….


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Dead thread was dead...
