

Burning oil like a boss
My straight-piped Grand Prix? No issues. My Teg? Don't get me started...

To be fair though, I only got cited for my exhaust once, and I deserved that one. Was going a little too fast and getting there a little too fast if you know what I mean.

Mostly around here they get you for piddly stuff though, like fog lights (yes, really. TWICE.) and my rear fog light on the Teg.

Oh, and "no front plate" when it's off to the side on all my cars (one of them from the factory like that!)

I guess we have a big drug problem though, so they just look for excuses to search kids' cars. 9 times out of 10 they let me go.


Registered Teg Driver
But still though, it's a waste of time and resources. It's not like every Teg is a drug runner. Haha. Lucky they let you go though.

'94 Teg FTW.

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
I've never had any problems from police. Driving slammed, loud ass exhaust, bright ass HIDs, completely missing 3rd brake light, tint on all my windows, etc. Your cops really suck.


Yolo Whippin'
been pulled over for exhaust twice. One...i could see why. It was like 5am and 6 and i was driving to work and it was echoing off the buildings lol. The other...they just wanted to pull me over, and try to give me every ticket possible. Tried to give me a DUI for being a designated driver. Dumb.


Registered Teg Driver
Haha well I think we've all come to at least one conclusion.. Cops are assholes about the smallest things. I like how it was echoing off the building, that's hilarious.

'94 Teg FTW.


Yolo Whippin'
my car wasnt super quiet. Only a HKS hi power with a greddy header. I see why they pull people over, especially in my area.


Registered Teg Driver
Yeah that'll do it. For sure. Did you have to tone it down to drive? Or was it not your daily driver?

'94 Teg FTW.


Yolo Whippin'
i didnt change it. If anything i have something louder now. but i have to actually change clocked at 104dB at thunderhill >_>. lame. Need to switch to my SP2.