Damn this is nasty.

Ominous G2


A road crew in Washington state collected these jugs of urine. In one year, a single, small county in the state collected 2,666 jugs.

SEATTLE — Roadside litter comes in all shapes and sizes — from dirty diapers to syringes — but there's one category that out-grosses the rest: trucker bombs.

Most drivers whiz along the nation's highways largely oblivious to their roadside surroundings. But next time you are out there, take a closer look.

"As soon as you look for it you’ll see it," says Megan Warfield, litter programs coordinator at Washington state's Department of Ecology. "You just seen them glistening in the sun. It’s just gross."

They are trucker bombs, plastic jugs full of urine tossed by truckers, and even non-truckers, who refuse to make a proper potty stop to relieve themselves.

The state hasn't counted how many such jugs are found each year, but a single, small county decided to do its own tally. "In one year," Warfield says, "one crew found 2,666 bottles of urine, 67 feces covered items, not including diapers, and 18 syringes."

It even happens at rest stops. "That’s the mystery," Warfield says. "There’s a bathroom right there, there’s also a trash can."

Handling the goods
Disposing of trucker bombs, aka torpedoes or pee bottles, is a thankless task that in many cases falls to highway cleanup crews.


New Member
lmao sorta reminds me what i do, i work 4 a cable company and when im at a house doing cable ill have to take a wiz sooo bad but hate asking and using other peoples bathroom , so ill go in my work truck and pee inside one of my many snapple bottles i have in the lil garbage box i swear i do this every other day and the urge will only happen at someones house with fish tanks and shit lol, but i neva chuck them in thestreet just in my compoanys dumpster theres probably a shit load of bottles filled with pee

this is one unusual thread

Ominous G2

Damn right this is unusual.

Im so glad i have a bathroom at work. When I open my shop I think its mandatory to have this carbon fiber toilet seat.