Deeceetwo's '95 GSR


Super Moderator
No sir, there's ones with and without tweeters. I didn't even pay attention to the tweeters when I bought them, but I'm actually glad they don't have them. Looks clean in person.
Wow, I thought I was paying attention there. :oops:

How is the audio without the tweeters?


New Member
So since I got the car my windshield trim has been peeled up a little bit. It decided it didn't like being held down anymore. So I then went to the dealership and paid a lot of money for a lot of nothing, but its one thing to check off the list.

Driver before

Driver after

Passenger before

Passenger after

I then decided it was time too see if buying new OEM axles would fix the massive shake my car had, and indeed it did! It shook so bad that it fused my drivers side axle to the half shaft. So I ended up buying a half shaft. Just so happened to be JDM :eek: Just so its not super boring ill post a picture

Last piece to the broken puzzle! Got the last thing I need to fix the things the P.O messed up. Time to start buying cool car parts! I bought it from and it came with the wiring harness, and installation kit for my car.

Touchscreen Kenwood DDX370

No more ghetto rigged crappy thing. The old one would literally fall out, into the shifter, not to mention it was originally installed upside down :| Picture time!

Old beat up broken one

New one

Then the FedEx man brought me a present today!(no, not that kind of present..)

I'm pretty excited to get it on! Providing the weather is good, it should be painted and on by next weekend!