Distributor problem?


New Member
Ok so the ignition rotor is very loose and it has a lot of play in it. Also the does seem to be like some very thick feud in the bottom of the dizzy cap. Looks too thick to be oil. If it is leaking oil tho, is there a cure for this without laying down 100 + on a rebuilt distributor? Next question. Do I have to redo my ignition timing after I rebuild the dist.? I don't have a timing light. More money lol. I'm on a low budget. Rent is due this week. Thanks for all the insight so far everyone


New Member
if its not the coil then check the icm....that went on me too at one point in time and will cause the same issues ur having. good luck!


beep beep
if there is oil in the dizzy then I think you do have to rebuild or buy a new one,yes you would have redo the ignition timing if you remove the dizzy off the car.you could buy a new cap & rotor but if the problem didn't get solve you would be just throwing away money.did you do the test from the video ?


New Member
x2 oil is no good. possible you just need to replace the o ring inside the dizzy. but that really isn't a permanent fix if the whole dizzy is bad or continues to leak lol. cap and rotor could cure it too but if it doesnt then thats wasted money like ryukidd said. i dont know if i'll get flamed for this but me and my buddy (who is a mechanic), don't use timing lights to set our ignition timing. i know everyone does things different and we have our own way to set it and works well for us lol. best solution would be to get new dizzy and keep old dizzy for parts. try rockauto.com for a dizzy.


New Member
Yea I didn't want to waste that money on cap and rotor if I would just have to replace it anyways. the oil is probably what messed up my rotor in the first place. So update. Buying a new dist. And a timing light. O yea, I don't have Anybody to help me crank the motor when I'm doing the screwdriver test. And if its leaking oil then it really doesn't matter where the spark is messing up at. And since the rotor is really loose, then I kinda have it narrowed down. A cap and rotor might be a quick fix but its just gonna mess up again. The motor almost starts but it doesn't. So the reasoning is that the spark isn't being spread through the wires at the right time because the rotor is all over the place. So...put the long way, this is why I didn't do the spark test.


beep beep
that sucks you're dizzy went out on you but that will fix you're problem and get the da back on the streets.Well I say about a 4 cause you might have to remove the power steering pump in order to see the white dot on the crank pulley


New Member
Thanks man yea I saw it last night. looks considerably easy. dam 200 min for a dizzy. screw that noise junkyard time


New Member
You guys aren't gonna believe this shit. So I put the dist. On and it cranks up. Well as I'm tighting shit on, I realize the timing belt is a little loose. Do I go to tighten the tensioner and it strips the bolt. Gotta get some strip sockets and a tensioner bolt now. Wtf.


New Member
You just need maintenance as was stated before. The Honda manual recommends every 30k I think. Look it up.
Your rotor and cap is due and likely carbonized.

Maintenance might cost money, but saves you money in he long run. Dont cheap out on anything like a new dizzy. I bet you would need to replace everything internally out of a used one too.
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New Member
Yea well I got the tensioner bolt loose with some strip sockets from o reillys. Ur right. So I'm just gonna rip off the crank pulley while I got the motor dropped and replace the tensioner.