DIY VTEC Solenoid Gasket Change - Video Inside


New Member
Ok guys, I made a video on how to replace your VTEC Solenoid gasket. This is basically for the people that have the illusive oil leak on the front of your motor. Now this video was shot with my iPhone by myself so it's kinda shaky? Anyway, it's still a good video so enjoy guys and hope this helps anyone.

Tools Needed: 10mm socket
extension with swivel
new gasket **duh** (preferably OEM) it will last longer
rags for oil clean up (you will have a bit of drip when the solenoid is off)
and about 15 minutes of your time

Here is the video I made, so like I said I hope this helps someone.

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Yolo Whippin'
Im going to change the title of your thread to "DIY VTEC Solenoid Gasket Change - Video Inside"

I think it will be more helpful when people search


Professional Ametuer
Good job, will bookmark this. Thank you for keeping control of your camera/phone and for speaking clearly.

FYI, dealerships do not use the same price lists. If you have more than one Acura/Honda in your area be sure to call and price it.

And while on topic, has someone compiled and posted a list with other useful videos such as this?


New Member
There is a thread that says "what DIY tuts would you like to see"? But this is something that I haven't found a tut for yet on club or team integra so I thought I'd make a vid today while I was installing it.


New Member
And yes I called Honda and it was the same price 27.49 before tax same as Acura.... Makes sense because Acura just orders from Honda anyway
