Finally lowered.


I <3 HID
OK... so... installing the suspension yesterday, started at 1PM...was 10:39pm and it has yet to be finished.... im' tired, a fucking mess, and still have yet to even start on one of the struts... the bushing of course decided to take a royal fuck on us.. and it was my shear stupidity to think that even though the car isn't that old that they would be ok.... no... they weren't
so after calling about a dozen places looking for the bushing, we found one place that did.. i said at least a half dozen times asking if they were the rear lower control arm outer bushing... they said yes each and every time.... you think they were? FUCK NO!!! they were the front lower control arm bushing... :evil:

So we ghetto rigged it up for to hold me till i got the actual bushings, or LCA's.... then we decided to put the washermod for the camber... stripped the fucking threading out of the socket :x went to retap it...fuck... i'm not even gonna get into that right now :evil:

So in conclusion we got the fron installed in an hour and a half that included farting around trying to figure it out. and putting the axle that wanted to keep coming out back in about a half dozen times. and we have on of the rear ones half done... and one to go :evil: ...i'm going to order some LCAs tomorrow i think and install them next week

Stock ride height, could fit almost my entire hand

here's some pics of it so far, can only fit 2 fingers

And look how stiff it is already... the front was jacked up the rear tire came off teh ground

And the lowest my car will ever be, this was when teh back wheel was off the ground :lol:



New Member
Yeah, seeing you guys dropping 'em really makes me want to someday...
