Hatch shocks are shot - where to buy?


New Member
Hey guys, the hatch shocks on my 92 LS are starting to go. The hatch won't stay up on it's own any longer. Where would you recommend getting a new set? Junkyard? Certain store online? Thanks!


New Member
Try a junk yard first, but check out how well they hold the hatch up before you rip em off. I know I looked at Napa and Canadian Tire and they were pretty pricey. You should have a pick 'n' pull in the area?


New Member
They're not holding the hatch up at all, as soon as I put it up, it drops right back down, quite heavily. Ya there's at least 4 pick-a-part yards within 20 mins of my place. How bad should the shocks be before I pull them out and replace?
If they don't hold the hatch up anymore they no longer serve their purpose, so I'd say they're due for replacement now.
Any of the normal auto parts stores should have them.


The first time I read this I had read "Hot" instead of "Shot." My initial thought was.. so.. the kid has hatch shocks that are.. hot? Screw it, i'm not clicking that. Hahaha.

BrokenTalon is right though, most normal part stores should have them. Might be able to find them online running a Google search though.