Haven't had my car for a week and it's already gone!


Ex-Registered GS-R Owner
So, i was a new member to these forums. I work a night shift from 8p-1a, got home from work bout 1:30a was here chillin at home then finally got to bed about 4:30a. Went to look out the window for my car cuz it's still new to me just checking it out like usual and hey guess what! My car isn't where i left it, grabbed my phone called the cops and so far no word back. The officer said it was probably in an orchard here or bout 30 min away being stripped.. Wow, what makes it worse is that just yesterday i was looking at car alarms and was going to get one installed but the place was booked. I'm just glad i had full coverage on it, oh and when i went to get the insurance the agent didn't come out and inspect the car. Anyone know what i might get back for this...

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New Member
sorry to hear about that man, its unfortunate. good thing you have full coverage!
what motor and everything did it have?


Real Good!
damn that sucks donkey ballz

you might get lucky and get it back but if not atleast you have full coverage GL


Ex-Registered GS-R Owner
It's a DB8 B18c1, original everything... I had plans for that beast.. Still had lots of get up and go for having 184k miles. Hopefully i get what the state was trying to charge me taxes on.. $4600, that would be nice!


New Member
Hunt down any sales info for similar cars in your area so if the insurance company low balls you, you can have ammunition to get to get more out of them.


Damn that sucks. Glad you had full coverage. I got paranoid a few months back and got full coverage. I worked with the agent explaining that the car was modded. She asked that I keep all receipts which I have so I can get the correct value if something should ever happen.

On a second note. People suck and karama is a bitch. Whoever stole it will be randomly hit by a train or something. Hope that lifts your spirits :)


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
wow that sucks, glad you have full coverage.


Ex-Registered GS-R Owner
Damn that sucks. Glad you had full coverage. I got paranoid a few months back and got full coverage. I worked with the agent explaining that the car was modded. She asked that I keep all receipts which I have so I can get the correct value if something should ever happen.

On a second note. People suck and karama is a bitch. Whoever stole it will be randomly hit by a train or something. Hope that lifts your spirits :)
Yeah i hope so too... Just not in my DB8.


New Member
fell your pain they tried to steal mine to all they managed was to break my door handle and leave a piece of their key keyless door handles for me now


New Member
Damn u guys must all live in the hood or something cuz were I'm from cars don't get stolen. I can't remember the last time somebody told me there car was stollen. It makes me nervous tho cuz my damn keyholes are froze or something so I can't even lock my car.
Btw sorry to hear about your car gettin jacked. That asshole will get his ...


New Member
Karma's a bitch. ;)

Like everyone else said glad you had full coverage on it. Also they should be glad that you were not in the car at the time or else you would have done some ass whoopin!


New Member
sorry brah..next time install an alarm at the first place if not put a lock on your steering wheel i guess..


New Member
dang.. why didnt you get any club or clutch lock? you know that these kind of cars are hot on the street.. sometimes i blaim the owner for not getting security for their car.. but sorry for the lost of your db8.. what year is it? how come the tail light looks different?


Ex-Registered GS-R Owner
Idk why they look different, It's a 95' GSR or was a 95' GSR. I've been on craigslist trying to find another one anywhere somewhere and nothin' yet. Maybe eventually i'll find another one but for right now i'm just bummed. Thanks to everyone though, it is a pretty shitty feeling. Anyway maybe i'll still be on here just checking everyone's rides out. Keep those tegs clean and make sure your security is good...