Headers with good ground clearance?


New Member
I just bought my first integra this month. I got a second hand header and i seem to have hit a bump and put some cracks in it and it leaking. My question is does anyone here know of a header that doesn't sit so low or have experience with a header that will stand up to a lowered car.


New Member
You just have to get used to driving a lowered car cus most people with aftermarket headers that are lowered have their header dented. Maybe a skid plate but that's not super reassuring anyways.


New Member
I had thought about the skid plate but it would have to sit so close to the header to clear the ground it would not be worth it. Do the 4-2-1 headers make the same power as 4-1


New Member
wow. and I thought DC would be the way to go.


New Member
does anyone know if the megan racing header is a quality piece? and can a GS-R header fit an LS


Yes a gsr header will fit a ls but your going to need a 2" extention pipe(If I remember correctly) from gsr header to cat. Or get a ajustable test pipe.
I got a rsr grs header fitted on my ls. :p

I think megan headers are up there with DC cermanic headers. Look into buying a used greddy header. Run you abround $150-$200.