Hey all...new here!

integra evan

Hey everyone!
I'm Evan, from NJ. I drive a 1990 DA9, rio red. I'm usually on team-integra.net, and I decided to stop over here.


New Member
Welcome to the site man. I am also in TI.net but I spend more time here for some reason. Stick around and enjoy the atmosphere.


Super Duper Moderator
Baldy201 said:
I am also in TI.net but I spend more time here for some reason.
But I have my reasons:
-The Mods over here aern't tightasses.
-Much more relaxed atmosphere
-I have more to offer the people over here than over there.


It hungers....
Sig wise I would suggest using white type with a thin black outline, or inverted (b w/ w outline)... The blue does not flow with the rest of the pic... Oh and I think that pic would be cool if everything was turned B&W except for the twisty road sign and the taillights.... ;) :thumbs up
