How Did You Gain Your Knowledge?


Name = John
So I am a noob when it comes to cars, well sort of. I have loved cars my whole life but nobody in my family has ever been knowledgable about cars very much besides changing oil and the extreme basics so I don't know very much either. I have an alright grasp I guess by being on this website and working on my car and my truck myself a lot. My question though to all of you is how did you become so knowledgable about cars or even jus specifically integras and hondas? What resources did you use to get to the knowledge that you have today? Cuz I for sure want to become a little more educated so I don't end up with a trashed Integra someday!


Resident Asshole
Self taught with some help along the way from my dad. Just started hanging out with the older kids who had cars when I was 14, from there it went downhill lol. Talked to a lot of the old guys at racetrack and in general about cars and learned from them. Plus I have broke a lot of stuff along the way that I had to fix. Also learned to sift through the bullshit and real facts on forums


Senior Ricer
I had a second gen Camaro as a project car that I bought at 16, late nights and shit loads of NOS drinks and a haynes manual. If there was something I absolutely didn't know about, (like replacing/rebuilding a carburetor) I would ask my dad.


Read, buy books, read some more, use someones car as a tester (mine was my moms lol), then read some more. Once you do something on one car. It'll come more natural on others. And if you don't have money for books there's a link in my description for manuals.


I pretty much grew up around cars but I wasn't really interested in them until I bought my car, then I felt I had to know everything there is to know about it. So after reading tons of build threads, how to's, and help threads my knowledge increased. It helps to read then ask questions.


Name = John
Sweet thanks to all you guys! Ya I have two cars so I could totally mess around with my truck, it probably needs it anyway! And since I have gotten my Integra I've learned the basics, I replaced my rotors and pads and felt like a boss for a day XD but ya will do! I'll check out some books and see what I can find that might help me too


Name = John
I pretty much grew up around cars but I wasn't really interested in them until I bought my car, then I felt I had to know everything there is to know about it. So after reading tons of build threads, how to's, and help threads my knowledge increased. It helps to read then ask questions.
Deal! Thanks man


New Member
i learned a lot form watching and helping my dad work on cars. but everything honda, i've learned from clubintegra. haha. just reading forms, asking questions, that kinda stuff.


nothing from nowhere
my uncle got me into cars. helping my older brother and his friends.i got a job at a used car lot at 16 and started doing work on cars to get them ready. took shop class in high school. the best way i learned was asking lots of questions and just doing it till i figured it out. i never could learn outta a book. but you lear a hella lot when you dont have any money and you want to drive.


Rattle Can Technician
Some from my brother, then my father, friends, and then when i felt comfortable i started to read forum write-ups and got books, seem theres a write-up for everything, and theres always the obvious ask questions and observe, i do all my own work and will continue to


ClubIntegra :mrgreen: But lots from my dad and close friends and a bit of healthy research as well :thumbs up


New Member
self taught bro. Just alot of researching, trail and error, more researching... and just talking to locals.