how much paint?


New Member
Hey guys, I'm painting my car this summer with one of my friends. Its my first DIY paint job, and I was just wondering how much paint I actually need to cover my car. I know the color already, Super Sonic Blue. I just need to know how much I need for proper coats.


New Member
Lol a gallon and a half will get you like 6 coats. But still go with a gallon and a half for for touch up.

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New Member
One gallon should be enough and should leave you a little for touch ups but if this is your first paint job get the extra half gallon and be prepared to fix some runs in the paint. lol Its not as easy as you might think to paint a car and make it look right. Good luck with it and post some pics after your done.


Resident Asshole
Lmfao you don't need a gallon. You need 2 quarts, that reduces down to 1 gallon. I sprayed my entire 4dr including all jams, underside of hood/trunk and engine bay with 2 quarts.


New Member
Just get a gallon and when you reduce it you will get extra more you need atleast 2-3 coat if you try to do it in one coat you might get runs. Best to have left over than to run out during paint job

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Resident Asshole
I am telling you, you do not need 2 gallons of paint to paint an Integra. You will have 2 gallons of sprayable paint if you get 1 gallon of paint, do you guys not realize that paint reduces down?

A half gallon of base will do the job as it will give you 1 gallon of sprayable material. FWIW my car has more then 2-3 coats of base on it ;)
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New Member
Dude don't talk to us like we're stupid it just makes you look like a douche. You should always buy extra for screw up because no matter how careful you are anything could go wrong. I just bought a gallon of Adriatic to paint my dc4 I know I have plenty, but I'll have more just in case.

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New Member
By the way base coat reduces at a 2:1 ratio not a 1:1 which will not give you twice of what you buy. Do you not know that only primer is 1:1?

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Resident Asshole
My base coat reduced 1:1, therefore my 2 quarts of paint gave me a sprayable gallon.

The reducing ratio depends on the brand paint you use, some are 1:1 others are 2:1. Here is a link to show you that not all paints are the same: Technical Training Manual.pdf

To the OP sorry for cluttering up your thread, Its 1 thing to have a little extra as there is nothing wrong with that as someone mentioned. But to have a ton of leftover paint just sitting around is money wasted. Do what you want as in the end its your money and ultimately your decision.
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New Member
Ignore our argument op some paints reduce differently (my bad) but that also means they cover differently. This I'm sure of. It may take 2 coats or it may take 4 so do more research and consider all opinions and options in your area.

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New Member
guy from nerk, you are a douche ! Just because you say you painted your car with 2 quarts and you know how to post a link dosent make you an expert at auto painting. This is the first paint job for this guy and he is sure to make some mistakes telling him 2 quarts is a sure way to leave him without enough paint to finish the job. I have painted many cars and trucks with 2 quarts but I was doing it every day for my job.

now as far as how much you need, that depends on how you are going to paint the car. Base clear depending on what the mix ratio is for the paint you buy get enough base to have one gallon of mixed paint and then two quarts of clear coat. If you are going to use a single stage paint buy a gallon you will have some left for touch ups but better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.

I know some may disagree with this but remember......he is not an experienced painter and will need more paint than someone who has done this before. Unless he gets really lucky.


Rattle Can Technician
Lol i agree get extra paint, but if you need tips PM "guy from nerk", and i suggest practice on something before attempting to paint complete car, must important part when painting, is prep, if you dont prep the car the right way its going to look shitty no matter how nice you spray it.


Resident Asshole
Haha you're right I am no expert, hell i've probablly never painted a car before in my life. Here i'll just post some pics of the ones I have done. Oh and the link was posted to suppoort my claim as I know how the interwebz work. You claim something and dont post a link, the other guy comes back with a comment such as "you don't know what you're talking about" lol.

Oh and maybe cars aren't good enough for you, so how about some farm equipment and trash trucks?
