How to fix door peeling weatherstripping / window trim ?


New Member
I have a "basically" stock 99 Integra GS coupe that I love Recently, the lower window / door trim has started peeling. I would like to know what everyone else has done to "restore" this trim affordably.

I am thinking about trying to sand it down, carefully tape it off and trying to find an exterior paint and shoot it with a few coats, however I am not sure the best way to go.

What has everyone else done with this problem? :???:



Super Duper Moderator
When I bought my Teg, it had a wear spot on that piece your describing, from the previous owner constantly grabbing that part of the door to close it, I guess. They must've kept their window down ALOT, heh. But I just bought a new one from Acura instead of trying to make the old one look better. It's Acura part # is 72450-ST7-003.