I'm a noob


1 bad LS
Hey everyone I'm new of course, just wanted to introduce myself. I have a '95 LS 2dr. and I'm in the process of building it with limited funds of course [family,bills,ect.] But I love my car even if it is kinda slow right now. Rome wasn't built in in a day and neither will my tegg. I bought it from a dumb kid who did'nt know what he had. He hooked up more like a Slocus than a tegg should be, but I'm getting it there piece by piece. I was a tech at a Honda dlrshp. for my previous job so I got hella deals on parts and they still treat me pretty good. Any questions hit me back. :headbang:


1 bad LS
Sorry guys

dc2GS-R said:
welcome to C-I. lets see some pics of the teggy
Sorry guys we just got a new laptop and I don't have any pic's on the dig. camera but I will get some tomorrow as long as the weather is'nt crap. It's been raining all day and still is right now. I think it should be good for tomorrow. All I have is regular pic's and camera phone ones, the phone ones suck! Again sorry I did'nt plan on joining tonight but I'm glad I did. Is yours boosted?Thanx everyone for quick responses. :thumbs up

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1 bad LS
Nice 4dr

cabezzzdb8 said:
Cool man, Welcome, hope you bring that teggy back to is glory

Hey sweet 4dr., it's nice to see one done right once in a while. Around here they usually get a fart can and crappy chrome 15 inch Amarican Racing wheels and they call it a day. Pic's of mine will be soon if the weather permits. All I have are crappy cell phone pic's and regular ones. We just got this laptop and I'm gonna dust off the ole' dig. camera tomorrow. Keep er' clean and thanx for the quick response. :stick:


1 bad LS
What's up!

Sweeet Transformer pic's man! That use to be one of my favorite cartoons back in tha day.Thanx for the warm welcome.Oh, and I did get some pic's for you guys to check out, ther on the gallery forum. :eek:k:

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CI Transfomer God!
LStegg said:
Sweeet Transformer pic's man! That use to be one of my favorite cartoons back in tha day.Thanx for the warm welcome.Oh, and I did get some pic's for you guys to check out, ther on the gallery forum. :eek:k:
USE TO BE, nigga! should still be! (the old cartoon that is) the new shit suxs!