In need of advice/help.


Not sure if this the right section to post this but yeah I'd decided to repaint my rims to a different color today. I did some search about aircraft stripper and decided to try it out. I cleaned my rims and dried it up. Then sprayed the aircraft stripper onto the rims. I tried to scrub, sand it, and scrape it off with a plastic scraper thingy for hrs! I still couldn't get it off. I'm getting frustrated and its freakin about 3am here and need some help of advice on what to do. What is it that I'm not doing to get this crap of gulp off. Do I need to spray more or what...well let me know. Thanks!


Yeah I am. Well when I tried to scrape it does come off but some of the stuff its like its hard to get off. I was doing more researching about it and I read that you should like power spray it with water and it'll come off. I will try that and see if it works. If all fails. FML!


when i used aircraft stripper i pretty much soaked the part in it (in your case prolly put alot on it) and let it sit till the paint or what ever started to bubble up. after that took like 30 seconds to get all the paint off it


well i'm using the brand rustoleum from autozone cost me like $7. I freakin use 1 can on 2 wheels but yeah i did spray alot. im letting it sit in now. 30 secs is fast. did you scrape it off or wash it off?


Yolo Whippin'
when i did my vc i let it bubble for like 5 min and then wiped and scraped it off. PM wite2nr about aircraft stripping wheels


hmm if there's a thread he made for it....i'd must've missed it. i will search for it and see how he does it.