Integras make the ladies go coo coo


New Member
So i recently just got a 2.5" straight pipe to muffler on the DA and took my gf out to dinner. When i was in the parking garage the decel backfire was echoing. Later on she told me that when my car was doing that she said it gave her the chills and made her wana hop on the vitamin D! So I wonder does this work on all females?? hmmm oh the possibilities. Anyone else can chime in on this or any ladies care to elaborate how this works? Just a thought :)


The other asshole
It works with my camaro sometimes but no one likes the sound of my teg.


not a girl lol
they complain of the ride, how low it is, the noises it makes when it scrapes, and my exhaust rattle lol


The other asshole
Even if they like the way it looks they're gonna complain when they get to ride in it.