Live & Die by Integras
My 1994 Integra LS keeps dying on me randomly while driving (like I turned the engine off). The first 2 times It died on me it started right up but on the 3rd time I couldnt start it. It cranks but won't turn over. I took it to the shop and had a tune up done thinking thats all it need. After the tune up it ran great, I noticed the difference it the car right away from the smooth exceleration to the power it gives. All happy that the problem is resolved, but weeks later it randomly died on my again. Called the tow truck and by the time they got it to the shop it started up again with no problem they kept the car for a week and couldn't diagnose what the problem is. Now I'm afraid to drive it knowing it might die on me while driving again. HELP! Does anyone know what the issue maybe or have any suggestions what to look at or replace???