Internet trading


New Member
I have done heaps of trades over the internet and 100% of them have gone smoothly, nice people, good prices, but the trade I just did was a bit sketchy.
I have been needing roof racks for a while now, not for the look (some will cry bs but i dont really care) but for the use.
I negotiate a price over the phone and we agree to meet at a place just down the road, I get the cash and arive early.

They call me 5 mins later to see if i'm there, I ask where they are and they say just around the corner.

All of a sudden 2 civics full of 10 asians (not being racist here) hop out and ask if i was the one wanting to purchase the racks, ready to have my stomach slashed on the carpark I just mumbled "yeah"

They pop the trunk and throw me the racks, i give them the cash and they say they want more for them, stupidly I said that we agreed on the price, but they said they wanted $20 more..

FUCK THIS, I threw the cash to them and was outa there!

Not doing much internet trading for a while!.


level 77 troll
And that my friends, is the story of my first car trade, ten Asians, me and my friend, I decided to just do the deal.

WAR 178

Premium User
How did you end up giving $20 more?
Once they demanded anything....DEAL OVER!
I woulda took plate numbers.... Now you gotta think if they got yours.
YOU HAVE THE EMAILS, or contact info for them....its a paper trail(well electronic)
ALWAYS meet somewheres public and well lit just in case.


New Member
I dont really think I had a choice when they demanded more cash, was just me.. skinny white guy and 10 guys crowded around me. There have been many stabbings around the area and I wasnt thinking about making the news any time soon.


RS owner
i always come strapped and i have a homie that comes with me strapped too. 1 shotty and a glock. good to go!


level 77 troll
Brass knuckles and a bad attitude, hasn't failed me yet. (adopted that method after my shitty trade)


actually has an FB6 now.
damn. honestly that is sketchy as fuck. always gotta have a buddy come with you bro. meet in a public place all the time. my favorites is the mall. always do a deal either inside for small stuff and near the entrance for bigger stuff. but hey bro, you didn't know if they were packing anything and your life isn't worth $20. next time, you'll know though.


New Member
Damn thats sketch. Most of my trades have been awesome except for this one guy that was high as fuck and was 6'2 and 225lbs. and didnt belive the emblems i was giving him were OEM. Im 5'9 and 130 lbs. i was scared as fuck.