lmaorofl what a waste of money


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
We should all take a moment of silence to remember a better time in this Integras life...a stick time.

And with that, the Tegra will now willingly drive itself into the car crusher. :lol:


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
I have an appraisal sheet for this car that values the body of the car at $12,000.00 - this was without the rims, stereo, brakes, DVD player or the interior installed yet!!! basically just the body of the car. Appraised value now would probably be around $15,000.00 or more!! Most banks should not have a problem financing it because of it's appraised value. This is a steal for the right buyer!
I'd like to know how butchering a car like that can actually RAISE the value of the car. ESPECIALLY when half of its safety lighting is gone. And how adding the (AFTERMARKET) rims, stereo, dvd player, and awful interior would bring the value EVEN HIGHER.

ROFL-OCTOPUS-SAURUS-REX-O-COPTER-ZARD! I should email him, acting interested, and say I'd like to see the "appraisal sheets" on this car.