My Coolant Hoses...


New Member
keep busting! i replace one and another one busts, it is like a game of cat and mouse.
i was maybe thinging its the pressure busting each hose but not sure..but overheating is a bitch
Any suggestions??
i keep having tofill it with water every day and too scared to put antifreeze in there cause i dont want that to spew everywhere and make a scene.


New Member
Straight water is baaaaad for the modern coolant system. Stop doing that right now!

Also are you saying for example replace lower hose then upper busts. Replace upper house and said new lower hose bursts, rinse and repeat????

There is nothing wrong with OEM hoses but answer my questions and I will be able to help a little more. But really dont add just straight up water.


Hazardous Grounds
change your thermostat. bet thats what it is. its building pressure and blowing your hoses.


Freedom through Jesus
Are you saying that its overheating and then bursting? If thats the case, then it could be the Thermostat, I would change that first. Also replace your Radiator Cap if its been a few years, cheap and can save you from many problems.
- Aaron