My painted VC thread


New Member
Been working all evening. Started at 7 pm this afternoon it is currently 2 am and just got inside. I worked really hard, made 4 stops at different stores to get supplies. long day. I always forget to take befor and after pictures, which is sooooo stupid. but mid project i remember. so here are the photos.

Stripped VC

Got her all taped up, and yes those are plastic bags covering my garage floor

Finished results, I used VHT high temp paint. I couldnt find any wrinkle paint in the city of Tulsa. Im very pleased with results. I also got some white 8 gauge wire for the ground, it will look so much better than nasty brown.



Old Skool
pics arent really that clear but hell neither were my vc pics. looks good post pics when you get it back on the car :thumbs up